The Homoeopathic Management of Bipolar Affective Disorder with Comorbid Eczema- A Case Report
Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD), also known as manic-depressive illness, is a complex mental disorder characterized by episodes of depression, hypomania/mania, and mixed episodes, with inter episodic recovery. Here we present a case of BPAD with comorbid eczema of a 52-year-old female with eczematous skin lesions on the medial side of the right leg with sleeplessness, slowness in doing daily chores, absent-mindedness, and anxiety with palpitations for the last 30 years. A diagnosis of BPAD with comorbid eczema was made. The case was treated with the homoeopathic similimum Ignatia followed by its chronic Natrum Muriaticum. There was a marked improvement of the symptoms within 3 months. The change in mental symptoms was assessed with the Hamilton Depression rating scale and Young Mania rating scale. The patient is in a stable condition for the last 11 months. These findings show that a cure can be achieved with the homoeopathic similimum selected on the basis of the totality of symptoms.

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