Ayurvedic Management of the HPV Warts through Rasa Aushadhis - A Case Report
Warts are widespread in worldwide. The estimated current rate of wart among the general population is approximately 10%. HPV (human papilloma virus) is one of the common causes of warts. Most people will experience with this infection at some time in their life. An increased frequency also seen among immunosuppressed patient and meat handles and it is common in both male and female. According to Ayurveda, these warts can be compared with Charmakeela. The pathogenesis of this disease is due to vitiation of Vata along with Kapha over the skin causes the development of hard nail structures called Charmakeela (nail- like projection from skin surface). These warts are mostly in children and young adults. In the present article, we report a case of 42 years old patient suffering from HPV warts on his forehead and anterior part of the scalp for last 2 years, which increased in size and numbers. Ayurvedic Rasa Aushadhis were prescribed for a period of 21 days in combination, which effectively healed the wart without scar.

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