Effect of Ḍimād of Barg-i-Nīm and Roghan-i-Nārjīl in the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer : A Case Report
A male patient with chief complaints of wounds and swellings on both feet, along with discharge, and a history of diabetes mellitus for the past 20 years, attended the OPD of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya college Hospital. The patient was clinically examined, routine investigation was carried out and the condition was diagnosed as diabetic ulcer. The patient was advised to continue routine medication and adhere to strict diet control. The wound were cleaned with an antiseptic Ḍimād of Barg-i-Nīm and Roghan-i-Nārjīl was applied locally over the wounds for one and a half months. Assessments were done every fourth day. The patient was assessed at baseline and during each dressing change every fourth day using subjective (size of wounds, swellings and discharge) and objective parameters (EQ5D5L). After completiing the study, it was concluded that the local application of Ḍimād is safe and effective in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer without any side effect.

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