Successful Treatment of Primary Infertility w.s.r. to Dysmenorrhoea by Ayurveda: A Single Case Study
Severe menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea can cause infertility in a few different ways. It can cause the uterus to contract too strongly. This can make it difficult for an embryo to implant in the lining of the uterus. Additionally, the strong contractions can dislodge an implanted embryo, leading to miscarriage. This is a case report of a couple who presented primary infertility associated with Kashtartava (Dysmenorrhoea) after 7 years of marriage. On clinical evaluation and investigations, the wife, aged 30 years, was found to have severe pain during menstruation, low backache, nausea and vomiting without having any changes related to secondary dysmenorrhea since last 7 years She took various treatments including hormonal therapies and multiple attempts of Assisted Reproductive Techniques of IUI (Intrauterine insemination) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) but she didn’t get result. In Ayurvedic terminology that case was diagnosed as Vandhyatva due to Vatiki Yonivyapad associated with Udavarta yoni. Internal medicines and Shodhana (bio-cleansing therapy) therapies which included Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation), Basti (Therapeutic enema), and Uttarabasti (intra uterine douching) were the treatment modalities done with the aim of providing Vatanulomana, Lekhana (Therapeutic Scraping), Srotoshodhana (cleansing of functional channels) and Garbhasthapana (proper implantation and stability of embryo). Her 2 years of Ayurvedic intervention resulted in the conception and she delivered a full-term female baby weighing 3.2 kg through lower segment caesarean section.

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