Effect of Sri Lankan Traditional Medicine and Ayurveda Management in Endometriosis & Adenomyosis: A Case Study
Endometriosis affects about 10% of reproductive-age women and girls worldwide. Adenomyosis is a stage of the endometriosis where endometrial glands found deep within the myometrium. In this case study, a patient diagnosed with both endometriosis and adenomyosis with multiple endometrioma in right and left ovaries. She is a 42-year married nulliparous women without other pathologies. BMI-26.8, BP -120/78 mmHg and Pulse:78/min. History of laparoscopic Bi lateral cystectomy in year 2021. The intervention period was three months while the 1st drug regimen started by OPD management followed by two IPD treatment regimens in one month apart. Sneha Sweda, Yoga Vasti, Nadi Sweda, Udara pattu, Mathra vasti procedures were conducted with the 2nd and 4th oral drug regimen. In between 3rd drug regimen was continued at OPD level. The dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia were monthly assessed by using Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Before and after assessment of endometriomas and adenomyosis was measured by ultrasound scans conducted by the experts who are blind on the procedure. Other vital signs and menstrual pattern was observed ones in 2 weeks. After the treatments VAS score of dysmenorrhea was reduced to 0 from 10, pelvic pain from score 10 to 0 and of dyspareunia it reduced to 1 from 4. The ultrasound scan report proved the total disappearing of the endometrioma and adenomyosis after three months intervention. During the follow up period patients’ quality of life (QOL) remained unchanged. In conclusion, endometriosis and adenomyosis can be successfully managed by Sri Lankan traditional and Ayurveda treatments.
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