Ayurvedic Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia- A Case Report

  • Vivek Aradhya Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre, Tumakuru, Karnataka, India http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6112-7510
  • Mahadevappa Vidya Shree Assistant Professor, SVYASA Deemed to be University, Bangalore, India http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9625-4264
Keywords: Ayurveda, Haemoglobin, Iron Deficiency Anaemia, Pandu, Raktha


“Raktham Jeeva iti Sthiti” which means the Jeeva (life) of a person resides in Raktha (Blood), any severe impairment or loss of Blood can lead to Death. Hence Pandu roga which leads to loss of blood is of a major concern regarding its prevention and cure. The disease Pandu Roga is said to be Rasa Pradoshaja Vyadhi and also a Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. Pandutha means Pallor which is the characteristic feature of all five varieties of Pandu roga. The general symptoms of Pandu roga are Pandutha (Pallor), Shrama (Fatigue), Shwasa (Breathlessness), Arohana Ayasa (Exertional Dyspnea), Hridrava (Palpitations) etc. All these symptoms closely resembles with Anaemia. Globally Iron deficiency is the most common cause for Anaemia. In this present case series a 46 year male patient presented with the symptoms of Pandu and was treated successfully with the help of Ayurvedic Medications. The signs and symptoms along with Haemoglobin, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Serum Ferritin and Serum Iron were assessed before and after treatment. There was significant improvement observed after the treatment.

How to Cite
Aradhya, V., & Vidya Shree, M. (2022, October 2). Ayurvedic Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia- A Case Report. International Journal of AYUSH Case Reports, 6(3), 261-271. Retrieved from https://ijacare.in/index.php/ijacare/article/view/357
Case Reports